Monday, July 16, 2007

My holiday

In the holiday I went to get smart! It changed my life. It all started on Monday the 9th. I gave my life to jesus. The speakers talked about lots of things like putting on your boxes on and figthing the devil. Also they talked about taking off the jacked and the helmet and off the comfy chair and gettingout of the box. Also there was streams, a worship stream and a youth stream and a leadership stream. I went to two worships and one youth. I also got annointed. and got prayed for. There were also bands CCC hillsongs united. It was awesome! I would go to the font and jump around. My favourite speaker was Jurgen. I would just like to say GET SMART ROCKS!!!


Anonymous said...

Get Smart sounded really fun. Hope you learnt lots and get put it into practice in your life! Give it heaps for God!

Reubarb said...

Who wz ur fave band?

srry i couldnt mesage b4 i never went on ur bloggggggggggggg